Monday, July 8, 2013

sketchbook page

A page from my sketchbook, created a few months ago, revisited today after a weekend sailing in Narragansett Bay.

The verse is a few lines from a poem, found in a hardcover book of verses titled "Scrimshaw", published in 1925 and bought for fifty cents from a thrift store last year. However... I can't find any information about the book online, nor any mention of the author Anne Washington Wilson anywhere. It's like she only published one book and I have the only copy? I don't know what to make of it but it feels like something special. They are good poems and I'm enjoying bringing them to life in my sketchbook.


  1. So beautiful and inspiring--the poem, the story, and, especially, the page.

  2. This is beautiful! A bit of a teaser though now I want to see more of your sketchbook!

    1. Thanks! I have heard that before... I'll try to share more soon! :)

  3. So lovely! Are you really using those little single alphabet letters to stamp all the prose?
    If so, kudos. xox

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